Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My blood pressure is up just making an appointment with a Doctor

   What ever happened to the old Doctors seems all I get anymore is a 20 something or 30 something telling me my pain is due to my age. I swear the next Doogie Howser looking Mo-Fo that spews that shit at me is in for an old man ass whooping. I never see old Doctors any more even when at the Veterans Hospital and that place at one time seemed to be full to the rafters with old Doctors.
   Hard to find an old country Doctor that is not attached to some super HOSPITAL in some form or fashion. They have to send everything out and get 2nd 3rd and 4th opinions. When I was a kid the Doctor looked at you said it was this or that and gave you a script to fix it. Now the are attached to a computer screen and typing away as they talk to you. Hell for all I know they may be playing angry birds and just nodding their head now and then to make me feel like they are hearing me. More often than not its a Nurse who does all the work and the exam so WTH are the Doctors for just walk in look at the info spew a few words if you are lucky and walk out of the room?
    I know it upsets some people when someone says I miss the old days but this is one time I think I am in the clear saying I miss one on one with the Doctor ask questions and getting answers. Now they hand you a WWW.go F address for you to get the answers you came to them for.  Soon I feel they will put us on conveyer belts where we pass though a scanner to get a diagnosed then clean out our wallet at the end and bill us for the rest. I am sure the bill will list 20 some Doctors that claim to have looked at our info even if it was just glancing in the direction of it BILLABLE!!! Cha Ching. 

   And WTH is with charging me if I am late or miss an appointment but it is fine for them to overbook and make me wait hours past the time I was told I had to be there or cancel my appointment with not even a call to let me know. Sorry ass hole you are not on my list and shut the glass door in your face. It feels often when trying to get an appointment like I am trying to get into fricking Studio 54 or something (sorry sir you just are not sick enough to get in) and the bouncer tosses your ass to the curb.    
God forbid you are sick and using the Veterans Hospital the call goes something like this. VA.....Hello how may the VA help you. Me... I am sick I need to see the Doctor...... VA  Long pause not can you wait a minute just silence I often wonder if they hope I will hang up I swear they have bets and giggle to each other wondering how long the dumb ass on the other end will hold in complete silence. Me................Are you still there?.........VA........Yes Sir I am checking............I can hear the huff in the voice like I am taking time away from something they would rather be doing. VA........... and I am sent off to another person who asked the same questions without so much as a kiss my ass from the first person............I tell the 2nd person I am sick need to see the Doctor tell them my info sorry not my department click I am off to another person or back to the person I started with. Long story short the Appointment is next month ummm hope I live that long hope its nothing important or life threatening. To be clear you are told to go to the nearest Emergency if you feel it is life threatening but they do not tell you you will be billed for that visit and it is not covered by the VA. ANYWAY LOL not a happy camper and that is my rant for today I am usually calm about such things but when you do not feel well you do not want to be held on the phone for an hour just to make an appointment with the Doctor and tell everyone and their brother why you need to see said Doctor. Most of the time the VA is very good but at times its like they bring in temp help to man the phones. OK thats enough Dave shut the hell up now LOL  RANT OVER!